Hot Bolting is the sequential removal, cleaning and replacement of bolts in a flanged joint, while the system is pressurized.

Although most flanges are designed to keep integrity in case of removal of one bolt, this requires that the remaining bolts are of such quality that they can sustain the connections total loading and maintain the gasket stress. This requirement can seldom be verified for connections in need of Hot Bolting; thereof an external barrier is needed.
The Hot Bolting Clamp™
is designed to establish the safe barrier for Hot Bolting.
✔ Mechanical control of the gasket stress
✔ Technology Qualified – Equinor (Statoil) TR3016
✔ FAT of each clamp – hydrostatic test 1.5 times the rated design pressure
✔ Slim design – avoid clashes with connected equipment, valves or nearby piping and structure
✔ Proven technology – in service since 2011
For further information please contact us at or call Per-Christian Irgens: +47 92 20 84 84.